Oct 29

Update: FYI – This is most likely fake.

written by David \\ tags:

Sep 12

….and summer is over. Sommer is growing so fast and almost ready to wear her mom’s shoes! Offical report from Sommer after her first day of school was:

“It was fine”

There you have it folks, it was fine. Thanks Sommer for that indepth reporting. And what happened to summer? I wasn’t done with it yet!

Sommer 4th Grade

written by David \\ tags:

Jun 14

Aiden and I already built a house this morning. What have you done?

written by David \\ tags: , ,

Jun 07

I honestly thought Aiden would have the first broken arm…

Sommer was at her friend’s house riding on some scooters and fell. This is after Leanne and I freaked out when we were outside doing some stuff while Aiden was taking a nap. Aiden had woken up and I went to check on him and couldn’t find him anywhere in the house. So we thought he went outside and for a walk. There was maybe 15 people from the neighborhood looking for him! I decided to check the house one more time, no where. I checked the garage one more time and then I hear a giggle… He had climbed into the spare car in the garage, took his diaper off and was pretending to drive. He was having a blast, meantime we were losing our minds.

What a crappy feeling that was…good times…

written by David \\ tags: , ,

May 13

Who says a large SUV doesn’t get good gas mileage?

I think I’ve solved the gas crisis….build all roads on a downward slope. Crisis solved! Next.

written by David \\ tags:

May 10

First of all I want to say thank you to all the mothers and I hope you all had a great day!

We spent the day doing some pottery and then went out to dinner. What did you do?

written by David \\ tags: , , , ,

Apr 21

Protected: 32nd Birthday

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written by David

Apr 21

Easter is another one of those holidays that have kids too eager with the thought of candy on their minds to sleep in.

Aiden and Sommer had so much fun looking for eggs that we had to do it twice! Of course we had to hold Sommer back a little so Aiden had a chance at finding a few himself. I really do enjoy this time with Aiden, he is starting to really understand things and after showing him something once, pick it up and do it himself.

A few pictures below with the link to the rest of the pictures here: Easter Pictures

written by David \\ tags: , , , ,

Mar 07

Must be nice to fall asleep at any position.

written by David \\ tags: ,

Feb 24

written by David \\ tags: , ,